Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Road tripping!

It's summer and although I just saw my sister the previous Sunday for Father's Day my parents thought it would be nice to drive four hours to see my sister a week later and it'd be fun for me to go along with them...operative phrase in the sentence being 'my parents'. I personally thought it would have been fun to sleep late and clean my house, obviously we had dissenting opinions, but in the end I went along on the trip. Sunday, while on the trip, I learned that an acquaintance's young wife had just died suddenly after a brief difficult battle with cancer, leaving him with two small children. The thing about the situation is he's spent the last few days thanking God for the opportunity to spend time with his wife before she died and allowing him to make sure she knew exactly how he felt before she passed. I messaged him to let him know how much his testimony really encouraged me and others. So while I got guilted into going to visit my sister I had a good time and admit that at the end of the day time with friends, family members and loved ones is what it all boils down to!

On to the fashion!
I hate packing complicated clothing that needs a lot of attention once removed from a suitcase, so when I hit the road whatever I pack has to be easy to deal with. I chose to wear my hair loose the same morning a tropical storm blew into town...sadly my big glorious 'fro was no match for the rain and humidity. I promptly snatched it into a ponytail right after church
Kimono Sleeve Blouse: H&M
Purple Cami & Black Knit Pencil Skirt: Forever 21
Hunter Green "Skinny" Belt: Forever 21
Peacock Feather Earrings: Unknown
Forrest Green Leather Clutch: Banana Republic

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