Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anchors away!

Clearly God is still trying to get His point across with me. I went to early service, as well as, regular morning service. Once again I heard two services from two different pastors, who clearly had an early morning cup of coffee to discuss their major points because they were spot on with the same take home words. Well MAYBE it wasn't their shared cup of joe that had them on one accord but something else (ie. the holy spirit ; ) Both pastors literally made "don't quit" their take home message. I think it's something to take to heart, no matter what we are struggling with. We never know what point our circumstances will change until they've already changed. The moment we throw in the towel might be two moments before our breakthrough...one we'll never experience because we quit too soon. So keep your head up and don't quit!

Now on to the fashion!
My dress was a dress I'd stalked for a couple of weeks at Marshall's and had given up on because I needed a new dress like I needed a hole in my head. Well I'd wandered in and lo and behold what was on the clearance rack? My dress! Winning! Although it looks black indoors the dress is actually navy blue and white. Since I was feeling quite nautical I paired it with orange accessories and the rest in seen below.

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