Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy fathers day!!

Sunday was Father's Day. My Facebook timeline alternated between people shouting out their father/ child's father and ladies bashing deadbeat dads as they shouted themselves out for being an awesome 'dad' to their child. I personally am a Father's Day purist, I prefer to give additional honor to single moms playing both roles on Mother's Day while leaving Father's Day to the men who are fathers, as well as the uncles, granddads, god fathers, coaches, neighbors and church members who fulfill the male figure role in the life of a child who they didn't father. To those men I salute you. As a woman who grew up with a father (my parents celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary this month) I grew up with a model of what a man should be and what I should look for in a spouse. I'm grateful that I don't just have a father... I have a daddy, one who to this day I know that if I have a problem that I can't fix I can turn to him. He may not be able to solve all of them but he'll never abandon me either and he'll stick by my side throughout. Perhaps that's why God created great fathers, to give us an earthly model of how our heavenly father works.
Now on to the fashion!
I am a member of the health and wellness committee at my church. On Sunday we had to wear blue in honor of prostate awareness, but I'm not the best at following clothing directives so this my take on blue clothing. Yes, I know I have on more colors than a bag a Skittles but I figured why not go ahead and taste the rainbow.
Blue Spaghetti Strap Jersey Knit Dress: J. Crew
Green Cardigan: Express
Yellow Belt: Forever 21
Yellow Purse: Coach
Multicolor Sandals: Nine West

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