Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blast from the (not so distant) past

This week I was road tripping again, it's summertime what can I say? My most recent destination was Orlando via plane with a one year old. My god sister and I went to Orlando to with her daughter, my niece, to visit her daughter's god-mother who's also a good friend of mine and meet up with my sister, who came over from Tampa. I'll pause for a second so you can review all the relational patterns going on in the last sentence ; )
It was a nice relaxing weekend spent with family, friends and loved ones. While loitering on Saturday my god sister jokingly suggested she might be pregnant again. Well never one to let something that major slide, we promptly woke her at 7am the next morning to as we so delicately put it 'make her pee on the stick!!'. Within 60 seconds the stick turned blue, or the plus sign appeared or it said pregnant I don't remember what it said all I know is I'm gonna be an auntie again!! God is constantly in the business of renewing and rebuilding. Like the author of Lamentations says in the 3rd chapter verses 22 and 23 God's mercies are new every morning. It's encouraging that daily He blesses us in new ways...sometimes ways we didn't even think of
On to the fashion!
Because we were out of town and our host doesn't have a home church we streamed church live in her living room from the iPad (technology isn't the devil ; ) therefore this weeks fashion offering is a throwback to first Sunday a few months ago.
Gray print wrap dress: Old Navy
Grey Patent Leather Peep Toe Pumps: Nine West
Gray Patent Leather Clutch: Nine West

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