Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Internationally known!

It was international day at our church and we had a guest speaker who spoke on child abuse. As a former abuse survivor, she shares her story to help raise awareness amongst parents and children regarding the dangers our children our exposed to. It was a insightful presentation for many of the parents who didn't realize how many dangers they had unintentionally exposed their child to. It's a conversation I frequently have with close friends because as a teacher I often see how parents good intentions go awry. Children who use their phones and computers to contact people without their parents knowledge. Well meaning parents who allow children to spend large amounts of time unsupervised or extend freedoms to children who are not necessarily emotionally or mentally prepared for them. I guess the take home message is that parents and adults need to not just be aware but actively participate in the everyday undertakings of their child and young people in general. As Christians were admonished to train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it (prov 22:6). It's our goal and responsibility to not only lay the foundation but also provide the framework and oversee the construction for the next generation.
Now on to the fashion!
We're clearly still keeping it casual and I helped serve lunch after service. Everyone cooked dishes that were a part of their cultural heritage. I made chicken souse and Johnny cake...nom nom nom, and yes I served in those shoes ; )

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