Saturday, July 21, 2012

The prodigal son's brother?

Sunday's message was about the prodigal son. If you grew up 'in the church' or attend services regularly now it's probably a parable you've heard before. The prodigal son centers on the willfulness of a younger son who gets his inheritance early wastes it ending up homeless and hungry. He returns home broken with hopes of just being a servant so he can have meals and a roof over his head. Instead of putting him to work in the fields the father welcomes him with open arms and has a party for the son who's returned, safe and sound (kinda like how God forgives us and loves us despite our faults ; ) All is not well at the house however...the older son ISPs because the father just let the younger son waltz back in their lives like nothing happened. That gave me pause because I wondered how often do we play the older son role so caught up in our jealousy, anger and self righteousness we can't rejoice for and with others when they are blessed despite their past or mistakes they've made? Much like the father had lost a son he too had lost a brother but was so caught up in himself he couldn't see or appreciate the bigger picture. Just some food for thought.
On to the fashion!
It's still casual Sunday at my church so this yet another take on my casual. I've also come to the realization that while my favorite color is white I like pairing my brights together...especially blue and green. Maybe it's because of my Caribbean roots and the blue and green mimic the colors of the ocean or maybe it's just because it looks nice against my skin : )
White Smooth Tank: H&M
Blue Pleated Maxi Skirt: Impression
Green Belt: Walmart (Clean-up asile 9 ; )
Blue Turnlock Purse: Coach
Earrings: Unknown
Ring: ForLove
Green Sandals: Steve Madden

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