Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ye have not...

On Sunday one of the older women at the church had to be rushed to the hospital during service because her blood pressure was high. Ridiculously high. Like 220 over 100-something high. So my mother, whose a nurse, called 911, who in turn dispatched fire rescue. Once they arrived they quickly made the decision to rush her to the hospital and begin lowering her blood pressure in order to avert a stroke. The older woman had several grandchildren at the church and she asked to see them before the ambulance took her away. After saying a few words to each, the ambulance pulled off with her and her niece leaving us with several distraught children. The first thing that came to mind was to have the children pray for their grandmother, problem was one of the grandchildren refused to do so. After we prayed with the other children I took the grandchild to the side to speak with her. I asked why she didn't want to pray for her grandmother, didn't she believe God could heal her? She said she knew God was going to heal she didn't want to pray. Hmmmmm. I explained to her that while God can do everything the bible tells us that we are to ASK him for what we need... ask and it shall be given unto you (Matt 7:7). We're also reminded that we sometimes don't have things because we haven't asked for them (James 4:2b). Eventually she prayed but I was reminded of how often we neglect prayer and circumvent our blessings as well. If we're to pray without ceasing then we constantly have opportunities to ask God for what we need.
Now on to the fashion!
We're still in dress down mode at church, but I've never really been a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers kind of girl...or at least not all three together, so this is my idea of dress down. The neon shirt is my homage to summer ; )
Neon top:
Jeans: Forever 21
Shoes: Rck Bella
Clutch: Express

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