Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Road tripping!

It's summer and although I just saw my sister the previous Sunday for Father's Day my parents thought it would be nice to drive four hours to see my sister a week later and it'd be fun for me to go along with them...operative phrase in the sentence being 'my parents'. I personally thought it would have been fun to sleep late and clean my house, obviously we had dissenting opinions, but in the end I went along on the trip. Sunday, while on the trip, I learned that an acquaintance's young wife had just died suddenly after a brief difficult battle with cancer, leaving him with two small children. The thing about the situation is he's spent the last few days thanking God for the opportunity to spend time with his wife before she died and allowing him to make sure she knew exactly how he felt before she passed. I messaged him to let him know how much his testimony really encouraged me and others. So while I got guilted into going to visit my sister I had a good time and admit that at the end of the day time with friends, family members and loved ones is what it all boils down to!

On to the fashion!
I hate packing complicated clothing that needs a lot of attention once removed from a suitcase, so when I hit the road whatever I pack has to be easy to deal with. I chose to wear my hair loose the same morning a tropical storm blew into town...sadly my big glorious 'fro was no match for the rain and humidity. I promptly snatched it into a ponytail right after church
Kimono Sleeve Blouse: H&M
Purple Cami & Black Knit Pencil Skirt: Forever 21
Hunter Green "Skinny" Belt: Forever 21
Peacock Feather Earrings: Unknown
Forrest Green Leather Clutch: Banana Republic

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy fathers day!!

Sunday was Father's Day. My Facebook timeline alternated between people shouting out their father/ child's father and ladies bashing deadbeat dads as they shouted themselves out for being an awesome 'dad' to their child. I personally am a Father's Day purist, I prefer to give additional honor to single moms playing both roles on Mother's Day while leaving Father's Day to the men who are fathers, as well as the uncles, granddads, god fathers, coaches, neighbors and church members who fulfill the male figure role in the life of a child who they didn't father. To those men I salute you. As a woman who grew up with a father (my parents celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary this month) I grew up with a model of what a man should be and what I should look for in a spouse. I'm grateful that I don't just have a father... I have a daddy, one who to this day I know that if I have a problem that I can't fix I can turn to him. He may not be able to solve all of them but he'll never abandon me either and he'll stick by my side throughout. Perhaps that's why God created great fathers, to give us an earthly model of how our heavenly father works.
Now on to the fashion!
I am a member of the health and wellness committee at my church. On Sunday we had to wear blue in honor of prostate awareness, but I'm not the best at following clothing directives so this my take on blue clothing. Yes, I know I have on more colors than a bag a Skittles but I figured why not go ahead and taste the rainbow.
Blue Spaghetti Strap Jersey Knit Dress: J. Crew
Green Cardigan: Express
Yellow Belt: Forever 21
Yellow Purse: Coach
Multicolor Sandals: Nine West

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anchors away!

Clearly God is still trying to get His point across with me. I went to early service, as well as, regular morning service. Once again I heard two services from two different pastors, who clearly had an early morning cup of coffee to discuss their major points because they were spot on with the same take home words. Well MAYBE it wasn't their shared cup of joe that had them on one accord but something else (ie. the holy spirit ; ) Both pastors literally made "don't quit" their take home message. I think it's something to take to heart, no matter what we are struggling with. We never know what point our circumstances will change until they've already changed. The moment we throw in the towel might be two moments before our we'll never experience because we quit too soon. So keep your head up and don't quit!

Now on to the fashion!
My dress was a dress I'd stalked for a couple of weeks at Marshall's and had given up on because I needed a new dress like I needed a hole in my head. Well I'd wandered in and lo and behold what was on the clearance rack? My dress! Winning! Although it looks black indoors the dress is actually navy blue and white. Since I was feeling quite nautical I paired it with orange accessories and the rest in seen below.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Through it all...

I can finally exhale. Over 180 days, no planning, no pull out, no push in, skeletal help...but I made it!! I started the school year with high hopes and ended it battered, bruised, exhausted and staggering across the finish line with a prayer and a plea. This admittedly has been one of my most difficult year of teaching. A year that made me genuinely glad I enjoy what I do, because of I didn't I probably would have made arrangements to ensure this was my last year teaching. Occasionally I think God puts us in situations to test our mettle. To allow us to see: how bad do you want this? How hard are you willing to work? And most of all: how much are you willing to trust? This year I found out pretty bad. My kids made progress, which made it all worth the stress, the aggravation, the late days, and all the work I took to my house on field trips. As I packed my students up to walk them all downstairs for dismissal one of my girls started crying, and not that little weeping stuff. Boo-hoo sobbing and wailing. In alarm, I ask, "what is wrong?" She replied that she didn't want to leave me for the summer. And with that I fell in love with teaching all over again.
In celebration of the end of the school year and my birthday (last month) I went to the performing arts center to see the Lion King. I saw it last time it came to South Florida but when has that ever stopped anyone from seeing something. Since this is a 'fashion blog' I couldn't make an entry without some fashion, silly ; )
On to the fashion:

3/4 Cardigan: Gap
Brown and cream skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Oh deer!
Bag: Louis Vuitton
Brown shawl: Forever 21

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's black and white and red all over?

The newspaper....bwahahaha. Hey, if you can't amuse yourself who will? I sing in the choir, so every first Sunday you'll see lots of black, white or some combination of both. If its a good day I can sneak some colorful shoes in and my choir director won't say anything. Today was a good evidenced by my red pumps.
I attended two services at two different churches but both pastors spoke about having a spirit of expectancy. I've been praying about somethings for quite sometime, but today was confirmation that I may need to start preparing myself for God's movement in those areas. Guess I better "get ready, get ready, get ready!" (in my T.D Jakes voice).

On to the fashion!

Black and white top: Xtaren (from a local boutique)
White capris: Express
Red patent leather pumps: Guess
Red patent clutch: Steve Madden
Red Patent Leather Belt: Forever 21
Bracelet: Arm candy couture