Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Not rain, nor hail, nor sleet, nor snow

I live in South Florida and earnestly prayed for several days for a tropical storm day (don't judge me). Well, God blessed me with tropical storm Isaac and in turn a Monday off from work and the best part of it all was despite a lot of rain and wind we basically got by unscathed. But that was Monday afternoon rewind 24hrs to Sunday when the meteorologist still was giving conflicting reports on the severity of the storm and the estimated arrival of the most inclement weather bands. Although some ministries had cancelled morning service my church had not, and honestly I was quite apprehensive about our church's decision to have service because according to the weatherman the most inclement of weather would arrive as service let out. Honestly, I would have loved to go to 7:30am service go home and bunkered down for the rest of the day but as the coordinator for the dance ministry with a dancer on program for the day I knew I needed to be present, so off to 10:30 service I headed...and boy was I glad I did! Not only was the young lady's dance AWESOME, the weather held up ALLLLLLLL the way until Sunday night! I know I've said it before but I really do think sometimes God just waits for us to step out on faith and trust Him so He can show out in our lives and our situations.
Now on to the fashion!
I wasn't exaggerating when I said I had some reservations about heading out to service in potentially inclement weather. My outfit definitely reflected my sentiment for the day. I kept it really simple and went with wedge booties because I HATE getting my feet wet. I also have a guest in my picture, "button", my niece, but since her mom dressed her I won't go into details about her outfit ; )

Yellow cotton safari shirt: Apostrophe (British clothing line)
Drab skinny fit cargos: The Limited
Brown ultra suede wedge boots: Wild Diva

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