Monday, September 24, 2012

Have a little talk with Jesus...

Since summer has ended and school has begun I had to change my schedule/ routine. Earlier mornings, longer days the whole nine yards. Throw in a Monday class that disrupts my entire week and the ripple effect begins in earnest through my life. I could bore you all with the details but lets be honest that's not why you're're here for fashion and the Lord (in whichever order floats your boat). Sooooo while my work schedule has little to do with fashion it has a lot to do with my relationship with the Lord. See, I have a prayer partner. We pray daily during the week. While we used to pray around 7:30am my new schedule requires me to leave my house 20 minutes earlier, so now I'm leaving at 7:30am. Well this left me with two options: pray earlier or skip prayer with my prayer partner and just pray by myself. Well I have to tip my hat to my prayer partner for being a trooper because we now pray at 6:30 am and I KNOW they're tired and would much rather sleep until 7:15 because more often than not I'm tired and would rather sleep until 7. The reality of the situation though is that sleeping in is not an option. In Proverbs 8:17 God promises that those who seek Him early shall find Him, and I definitely need to find Him daily. If you aren't starting your day with prayer and devotional try it, I promise you'll find Him early in the morning and your days will be better, even when they're worse because your mind will be set on better things.
Now on to the fashion!
Summer is over so except for Youth Sunday I'm pretty much done with casual looks. I'm still trying to squeeze the last bit of bright colors out before the cool weather starts but since I live in South Florida I've got time.

Coral and royal blue blouse: Local boutique
Royal blue capri's: target
Royal blue suede pumps: Steve Madden
Royal blue clutch: express

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