Sunday, November 11, 2012

Desire the Lord of the house!

This message came from 7:30 service. The pastor spoke about motives and rationales for attending church. Our church attendance should be more than a ritual. Church should be more than a physical building that we go to Sundays and maybe a couple of days during the week (remember our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit anyways). It's good for us to go to church seeking a word from the Lord but guess what? We need to go to church seeking the Lord as well. When we pursue a relationship with the Lord that relationship will sustain us. We may forget the message when we walk out the door, our focus might be drawn back to whatever problems we had when we walked into that building. But if we are seeking to build a stronger relationship with God, that won't fade. That relationship will carry us through those problems and sustain us through our difficult times. The best part of building a relationship with God is that it's not limited to Sunday mornings. Yes, it may start there but it continues at home during our devotional time, in car rides when we may have to 'get something off our chest' and have a little talk with Jesus, when we pray because we don't know what else to do, when we tell God because we don't know who else to tell. The relationship is what I'm seeking!
Now on to the fashion! I'm a lady y'all! High waisted hot pink and black pencil skirt and black blouse. Clearly not complicated fashion styling at work here but its a clean look and the fit allows it to remain youthful enough. Here's a secret: the skirt is sized down because I have a small waist and it's the only way I can keep my high waisted pieces up

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