Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carribean Calm!

   Yesterday was Baccelaurate Sunday at church. We honored the Class of 2012, as well as students matriculating to high school and middle school. As a member of the education committee I had to wear cap, gown and  my Master's hood...and for once I was a little glad I had to wear it. I had sized my dress down so it would fit better but did not realize that a better fit would also cause my dress to ride up while walking. : (
   I like my little turquoise dress...but I don't think I'll get to wear it again unless its winter time with some tights and a jacket. *sigh*


Turquoise Dress: Mossimo by target
Green and turquoise shoes: Bakers
Green patent leather clutch: Target
Peacock Feather Earrings: Forever 21
Bracelets: Forever 21 & Aldo

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

    Hey y'all! I've always admired fashion bloggers who have lives fabulous enough to chronicle their comings and goings though the lens of a camera while highlighting their fashion choices for the day. Alas, I am an elementary school teacher and therefore pretty boring. Ms. F. Brown loves cardigans, camisoles, slacks and skirts etc. Dull. Very dull.
    Occasionally, I have the opportunity to get dressed up and hit the town, but honestly, my clubbing days are pretty far behind me. I've grown up and grown in Christ, so for me every seven days I arise early enough to dress with some care as I prepare to head to the house of the Lord for worship. Sundays are the days that I've chosen to highlight because that's the one day I regularly look smashing : ) Seriously, Sunday is the one day I that I regularly get dressed not just for function and form but select things because I enjoy how they look and how I look in them.  
    I recently decided to chronicle my Sundays (and the occasional other day as well) in an effort to help folks realize that all Christians don't wear turtlenecks and ankle length skirts in August (and I think God is okay with those of us who don't as well : ) I also wanted to encourage Christian young  ladies that as a daughter of the King we can dress up and glorify God while still looking 'current' and 'hip'. Someone once called my style like Sexy for Jesus. Once I thought about it I decided I liked that description because as an unmarried woman Jesus is my man and I want to look good for him...plus that's way better than being called slutty for Satan. So sit back and follow along and I share my SUNDAY'S BEST