Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take the limits off!

The sermon today dealt with God's limitless blessings. God has a limitless supply of blessing FOR us. Unfortunately, we are often the cause of the limitations we find in our lives. We are unwilling to obey God, we are unwilling to trust God, we are unwilling to make the sacrifices God may be asking us to make to put ourselves IN place so God can bless us. The message made me think of the Elisha and the widow. God desired to bless the widow for her obedience, through Elisha, the only limitation on God's blessing for the widow was the amount of containers SHE went and got. The widow was tenacious, when she ran out of jars she went to her neighbors homes and borrows jars from them! She thought big and as a result God was able to bless her big! Lets endeavor to take the limits off our lives and off our dreams!
Now on to the fashion!
Ever seen Tina Turner in Mad Max beyond the Thunderdome. Nope? It's okay neither have I, but I do know there's a lot of leather in the movie. Kinda like this outfit (which is actually PETA approved so please don't come looking for me). The dress is actually a juniors sundress but I know it would be great for these warm South Florida winters because it gives the look of leather but is incredibly lightweight. I tried something different with my hair since I was giving it a little break before having it redone. I call it the 'nappy ninja bun'. If you have issues with my use of the word nappy to describe my hair's not gonna stop me from using it to describe my own hair though ; )