Sunday, March 17, 2013

Forget a visitation, look for a habitation

Picture purge!

This year's been really hectic so I'm going to do a picture purge. I'll be updating them with biblical commentary and fashion breakdowns as I can but right now I just want to get them out bc its about 6 weeks of pictures. God's been working in me and I'm busy processing a lot of stuff that's been laid in my spirit and revealed to me. Sorry, promise I've got good stuff to write ; )
On to the fashion: Today was women's Sunday (it was early in light of Easter) since the colors are pink, purple and white I opted for a floral sundress with purple in it. The dress I grabbed with visiting London at I wish we had one : ( The dress doesn't come with a belt but I added one and added some purple accessories (shoes, bag and a shawl thats not pictured)

Monday, February 25, 2013

How to be successful

This message made me pretty mad with God. I've been realllllly bad about posting mostly because I've been going through a very difficult period in my life. God is growing and challenging my faith, which is NEVER an easy process. I found myself in a situation which, to be honest I want nothing more than to walk away from. Unfortunately, God hasn't given me the green light and in the message that morning point 1 literally was stay in that place...well my flesh was up.set! Oh the funnier part was pt 2 was sow into the barren place (which further spoke to the situation I was asking God to let me leave) clearly by the time the benediction was given I wanted to run home and sulk. I've since made peace and accepted the fact that I am not going to get my way in this situation and have decided to do things God's way. The reality of it all is sometimes it like that, God wants us to do something that has nothing to do with OUR plans and we kick, scream, pout and rail about it but at the end of the day if we're to really be obedient we have to put self aside and fall in line with His plans trusting that He knows best.
Now on to the fashion! It was south florida's version of cold, translation: cool I'm the am 68 by noon. I refused to bundle up and find myself sweating like a Bedouin by noon so I opted for a dress (yes it was a touch short) and over the knee boots. Without the boots I would not have worn the dress to church bc it would have shown too much leg but the boots covered me just shy of an inch or so of the hem. The boots are so high that they go with very few skirts or dresses because the hem falls below the tops of them, so these two together were a perfect combo!

Sacrifices not unseen

Freely we give

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take the limits off!

The sermon today dealt with God's limitless blessings. God has a limitless supply of blessing FOR us. Unfortunately, we are often the cause of the limitations we find in our lives. We are unwilling to obey God, we are unwilling to trust God, we are unwilling to make the sacrifices God may be asking us to make to put ourselves IN place so God can bless us. The message made me think of the Elisha and the widow. God desired to bless the widow for her obedience, through Elisha, the only limitation on God's blessing for the widow was the amount of containers SHE went and got. The widow was tenacious, when she ran out of jars she went to her neighbors homes and borrows jars from them! She thought big and as a result God was able to bless her big! Lets endeavor to take the limits off our lives and off our dreams!
Now on to the fashion!
Ever seen Tina Turner in Mad Max beyond the Thunderdome. Nope? It's okay neither have I, but I do know there's a lot of leather in the movie. Kinda like this outfit (which is actually PETA approved so please don't come looking for me). The dress is actually a juniors sundress but I know it would be great for these warm South Florida winters because it gives the look of leather but is incredibly lightweight. I tried something different with my hair since I was giving it a little break before having it redone. I call it the 'nappy ninja bun'. If you have issues with my use of the word nappy to describe my hair's not gonna stop me from using it to describe my own hair though ; )