Monday, December 10, 2012

Do you have a song to sing?

I'm in the choir, I'm not going to release a cd anytime soon but Incan carry a tune...and not just in a bucket. Today the pastor preached about Mary and how she sang a song of praise to God after the angel visited her and told her she was going to birth the savior of our world. Throughout the bible we are admonished to make a joyful noise unto God we see the Israelites singing praises to God for his goodness, mercy, grace and provision. What do we have that we should open our mouths and offer a song of thanksgiving unto the Lord? I'm certain if we thought about it we could quickly think of something to sing praise about. So don't be discouraged if you feel like you can't carry a tune, God wants our praise and while I might not be on the billboard top 100 I know He delights in my praise because it comes not just from my throat but from my heart. Find some time today to open your mouth and sing a song of praise to God for something He's done in your life.
Now on to the fashion:
I'm back in the scene with more first Sunday fashions. How many different looks can you create with black and white, but hey I'm part ninja so I'm okay with all black all the time. Today I've got a simple pencil skirt with a black and white diagonal striped blouse with exaggerated puff sleeves. I belted it with a red patent leather belt to add a punch of color.